You may have a fish larva, fish egg or lancelet larva.

Both are chordates (phylum Chordata).

Lancelet Larvae (Amphioxi)

Lancelets are primitive chordates in that their notochord persists throughout life, they have no vertebrae, cranium or jaws. Otherwise, they resemble primitive fish.

Branchiostoma spp.

(formerly Amphioxus)

Fish Larvae & Fish Eggs

Of all zooplankton, fish are humans’ closest relatives. Although fish leave the zooplankton as they enter into adulthood and become free-swimmers, their larvae and eggs drift with the currents and are thus an important component of zooplankton. Below are some fish zooplankton common in the plankton assemblages of Mid-Atlantic waters.

Fish egg w/ embryo and yolk.

Typical of many species

Fish larva w/ yolk sac.

Typical of many species

Fish larva

Typical of many species