Relevant Literature
Taxonomic Identification
- General for the Region
Johnson, W.S. and D.M. Allen. Zooplankton of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, A Guide to Their Identification and Ecology, Second Edition, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press. (Excellent for identification of coastal zooplankton species in Atlantic and Gulf coasts and how to collect zooplankton in the field)
- General for the Region
Todd, C.D., M.S. Laverack, and G.A. Boxshall. 1996. Coastal Marine Zooplankton, A Practical Manual for Students, Second Edition. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. (Excellent microphotos of plankton)
Appendicularian Tunicates
Fenaux, R. 1998. The classification of the appendicularia. In: Bone, Q. (Ed.), The Biology of Pelagic Tunicates. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 295-306.
Thaliacean Tunicates
Godeaux, J. 1998. The relationships and systematics of the Thaliacea, with keys for identification. In: Bone, Q. (Ed.), The Biology of Pelagic Tunicates. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 273-294.
Larval Polychaetes of the genus Polygordius
Ramey-Balci, P.A. and J.W. Ambler. 2014. Distribution and seasonal abundance of Polygordius spp. (Class: Polychaeta; Family: Polygordiidae) exo- and endolarvae in the southern Mid-Atlantic Bight, USA. Marine Biology 161:1565-1581. DOI: 10.1007/s00227-014-2441-7
Predatory Cladocerans (herbivorous Penilia avirostris not included)
Rivier, I.K. 1998. The predatory cladocera (Onychopoda: Podonidae, Polyphemidae, Cercopagidae) and Leptodorida of the world. In: Dumont, H.J.F. (Coordinating Editor), Guides to the Identification of the Microinvertebrates of the Continental waters of the world. Backhuys Publishing, Leiden, The Netherlands.
These textbooks on biological oceanography & marine biology include chapters on zooplankton and how they interact with their environments and food webs.
Estuarine Ecology, Second Edition
Day, Jr., J.W., B.C. Crump, W.M. Kemp, and A. Yanez-Arancibia. (Editors). 2013. Estuarine Ecology, Second Edition. Wiley-Blackwell, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, N.J. (Comprehensive text about nearshore environments including chapters on estuarine zooplankton and estuarine food webs. Advanced undergraduate, graduate.)
Biological Oceanography, An Introduction, Second Edition
Lalli, C.M. and T.R. Parsons. 1997. Biological Oceanography, An Introduction, Second Edition. Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford. (Undergraduate text focusing on coastal and open ocean ecology, organized by category in food web and environment: phytoplankton, zooplankton, nekton and benthos.)
Biological Oceanography, Second Edition
Miller, C.B., and P.A. Wheeler. 2012. Biological Oceanography, Second Edition. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, West Sussex, UK. (Comprehensive text focusing on classic as well as recent advances in ecology of upper ocean sunlight communities with photosynthesis, twilight communities, and deep sea communities including hydrothermal vents. Chapters on zooplankton, plankton modeling and biogeography. Advanced undergraduate and graduate.)
Marine Biology: An Ecological Approach, 6th edition
Nybakken, J.W. and M.D. Bertness. 2005. Marine Biology: An Ecological Approach, 6th ed., Pearson/Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco. (Survey of marine environments from the open ocean to sandy shores and coral reefs. Undergraduate text.)
Our Ocean Planet, Oceanography in the 21st Century
Stewart, R. 2009. Our Ocean Planet, Oceanography in the 21st Century, A New Oceanography Book for College Students, supported by NASA and State of Texas. (Open source textbook in oceanography emphasizing the ocean’s role in "earth system science," with biological processes included in chapters on role of ocean in climate change, coastal pollution, fisheries, and shared resources.)
Recent Scientific Articles about the Mid-Atlantic Region
Seasonal and spatial patterns of Penilia avirostris and three tunicate species
Ambler, J.W., A. Kumar, T.A. Moisan, D.L.Aulenbach, M.C. Day, S.A. Dix, and M.A. Winsor. 2013. Seasonal and spatial patterns of Penilia avirostris and three tunicate species in the southern Mid-Atlantic Bight. Continental Shelf Research 69:141-154.
Nitrogen uptake and primary productivity rates
Filippino, K.C., M.R. Mulholland, and P.W. Bernhardt. 2011. Nitrogen uptake and primary productivity rates in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB). Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 91:13-23. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2010.10.001
Phytoplankton assemblage patterns
Makinen, C.P. and T.A.H. Moisan. 2012. Phytoplankton assemblage patterns in the southern Mid-Atlantic Bight. Botania Marina 55:445-457. DOI: 10.1515/bot-2012-0110.
Influences of temperature and nutrients on Synechococcus abundance and biomass
Moisan, T.A., K.L. Blattner, and C.P. Makinen. 2010. Influences of temperature and nutrients on Synechococcus abundance and biomass in the southern Mid- Atlantic Bight. Continental Shelf Research 30:1275-1282.
Rates of dinitrogen fixation and the abundance of diazotrophs
Mulholland, M.R., K.C. Filippino, K.C., P.W. Bernhardt, J. Blanco, E. Mondragon, K. Turk, P.H. Moisander, and J. Zehr. 2012. Rates of dinitrogen fixation and the abundance of diazotrophs in North American coastal waters between Cape Hatteras and Georges Bank. Limnology and Oceanography 57:1067-1083. DOI: 10.4319/lo.2012.57.4.1067.
Remote sensing of phytoplankton community composition
Pan, X., A. Mannino, H.G. Marshall, K.C. Filippino, and M.R. Mulholland. 2011. Remote sensing of phytoplankton community composition along the northeast coast of the United States. Remote Sensing of Environment 115:3731-3747.
Distribution and seasonal abundance of Polygordius spp.
Ramey-Balci, P.A. and J.W. Ambler. 2014. Distribution and seasonal abundance of Polygordius spp. (Class: Polychaeta; Family: Polygordiidae) exo- and endolarvae in the southern Mid-Atlantic Bight, USA. Marine Biology 161: 1565-1581. DOI: 10.1007/s00227-014-2441-7
General Articles about Marine Plankton
Ambler, Julie W. and Nancy Butler. "Microscopic Plants and Animals of the Oceans: Introduction to Marine Plankton," Rising Tides: A NASA/NOAA Oceanography Education Journal, Vol. 2, pp.3- 11. 2008.
Alldredge, Alice L. and Lawrence P. Madin, "Pelagic tunicates: unique herbivores in the marine plankton," BioScience, Vol. 32, pp. 655-663, September 1982.
Falkowski, Paul G. "The ocean’s invisible forest," Scientific American, Vol. 287, pp. 54-61, August 2002.
Hardy, John T. "Where the sea meets the sky," Natural History, Vol. 100, pp. 58-65.
Johnsen, Sonke. "Transparent animals," Scientific American, Vol. 282, pp. 80-89, February 2000.
Milius, Susan. "Seeing past the jellyfish sting," Science News, Vol. 186, pp. 16-20, September 2014.
Milius, Susan. "What’s going on down there?" Science News, Vol. 171, pp. 107-109, February 2007.
Moore, Charles. "Across the Pacific Ocean, plastics, plastics, everywhere," Natural History, Vol. 112, pp. 46-51, November 2003.
Pomeroy, Lawrence R., Peter J. leB. Williams, Farooq Azam, and John E. Hobbie. "The microbial loop," Oceanography, Vol. 20, pp. 28-32, June 2007.
Safina, Carl. "How climate change is sinking seabirds," Audubon, Vol. 116, pp. 68-96, September-October 2014.